MMJ Foundation Helps 70 Families with 1.5 Lac Taka for Post-Flood Rehabilitation Process in Gaibandh
Post-Flood Rehabilitation Aid 2017 - 2: Gaibandha MMJ Foundation helps flood affected people in northern districts with rehabilitation aid. As many people lost their very last belonging such as home, we wanted to have them some shelters or help with something else so that they can stand up again. Our second distribution is described as follows: Total distribution: 1,50,000 BD Tk (approx. 1875 USD) Date: October 02, 2017
Location: Mollarchor Union, Gaibandha Distributed item: Corrugated Roof Panel (Dheu Tin)
Tin size: 15-18 mm Total families covered: 70 (with 1 full pack 'ban') Volunteer coordinator (field): Md Abdur Razzak Patwary